Thursday, July 15, 2010

Speaking of Summer

This goes out to all my friends in the northwest. Want to infuse a little sunshine into your life? Add a little yellow. I am going crazy right now for the color combination of yellow and grey. Yellow is so warm, inviting, and happy; and with a touch of warm gray this color goes from the country gingham we had as kids to hip and modern. I just bought this bedding set and can't wait to dress my guest room.

For those of you ready to jump right in, new bedding, drapes, and even wall color is the way to go. I would do a warm grey on the walls and little touches of yellow black and white throughout the room. A little more timid? Try a few throw pillows or bedding like I did. Adding it to your already neutral room will give you that pop you've been looking for. Don't worry if it's the right color or pattern, if you like it then it works.

Bedding by Nate Berkus


  1. Love it, Allissa...wait until I get to Az...I do not think you can help my motorhome living space, but I want to change colors in the living area in Tucson....

  2. I definitely need some help in the designing department...Love your new blog :)
